Choose a course below or feel free to contact me if you are interested in a custom workshop or guest lecture.
ONLINE INTRO COURSE (80 MINS) – Welcome to the self-paced introduction into ethnobotany, exploring the relationship between human cultures and plants in 11 short lessons.
STARTS OCT 1, 2024 – Learn about the study of ethnobotany, and how it helps us understand how people in different cultures relate to plants for their survival, their health, wellbeing and meaning making. Join the next online cohort!
£35 – £45
SAT, 6 APRIL, 10am – 1pm, FOREST ROW – Discover how citrus fruits like lemon, orange and bergamot can uplift your mood and focus your mind, and make your own aromatherapy
room spray!
SAT, 13 APRIL, 2.30pm – 5.30pm, LONDON – Discover how citrus fruits like lemon, orange and bergamot can uplift your mood and focus your mind, and make your own aromatherapy
room spray!
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